May 6, 2014

Public Policy


·         Are goal oriented
·         Are outcome of the government’s collective actions
·         It is what the government actually decided or chooses to do
·         Is positive in the sense that it depicts the concern of the government and involves its action to a particular problem on which the policy is made
·         Distinction between policy and goals; policy and decisions
Characteristics of public policy making
·         Is a very complex process
·         Dynamic process
·         Comprises of various componenet
·         Policy structure makes different contributions
·         Decision making
·         Lays down major guidelines
·         Results in action
·         Directed at the future
·         Mainly formulated by governmental organs
·         Aims at achieving what is in the public interest
·         Use of best policy means
·         Involvement of various bodies/agencies
Components of public policy
·         PP is purposive and deliberately formulated. It must have a purpose or a goal
·         Is well thought out and is not a series of discrete decisions
·         PP is what is actually done and not what is intended or desired
·         PP also delineates a time frame in which its goals have to be achieved
·         Follows a defined course of action: formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Types of public policy
·         Substantive: concerned with the general welfare and development of the society
·         Regulatory: Concerned with regulation of trade, business, safety measures, public utilities etc
·         Distributive: meant for specific segments of the society
·         Redistributive
·         Capitalisation: financial subsidies given by the Union govt to the state and local govt
Stages in public policy process
·         IGNOU chapter
o   Policy formulation
o   Policy interpretation
o   Policy education
o   Policy implementation
o   Policy monitoring
·         Howlett and Ramesh
o   Agenda setting
o   Policy formulation
o   Decision making
o   Implementation

o   Evaluation

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